29 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Sweat Summertime Workout Circuit

By admin

I sometimes wonder why I even bother to brush my hair during the summer. The southern humidity seems to have felt that it wasn’t bad enough already. Why would anyone pay money to go sit in a closed off, dark steam room when they could come visit Charleston?

Forget “Sweet Summertime”, here it’s all about a “Sweat Summertime”.



A few weeks ago Dan and I started filming a new dvd program that will be released here in Charleston. I am over the moon excited about it, but at the same time can’t help but wonder what the hell was I thinking?

Why did I ever think that filming workouts outside in the dead of summer would be a good idea?

Each workout leaves me dripping, no really, dripping in sweat. I have never felt sweat fly off of me quite like I have over the past 2 weeks. At least people know they’re real. No make-up artist (who wears make up when working out?), no hair stylist (clearly) and no sympathy.

The premise of the Charleston Boot Camp DVD Series is to bring amazing workouts to women in their homes who can’t make it to boot camp. But because they’re all filmed in gorgeous places around Charleston, locals will be able to watch and hopefully think to themselves, “Wow, that’s so cool… I’ve been there!” Or perhaps it will spark an interest to not only enjoy working out but to go become a local tourist.

Anyways, I’m excited. So excited I can’t wait to share the workouts. So, I’m giving you a sneak peak by sharing a round of the workout we filmed just yesterday (Sunday).

I would love to hear what you think!

Give it a go… though it’s only 1 part (of 3) you will still get a full workout! And while you may not be as pretty as I am (completely kidding here), you will have to deal with some sweat… guaranteed!

So, grab a stop watch and enjoy:

Sweat Summertime Workout Circuit

So what did you think?

Here’s the workout written out for you, pin it and try to add it to your workout plans a few times this week! Always work on improving your reps.

sweat summertime

I know I was a big gross mess… however I was excited to sport my new Lululemon skirt in the video. I know some ladies don’t like the skirt look, but I love feeling pretty while in “beast” mode. It’s the best of both worlds.


Summertime workouts outside… yay or nay? 

Workout skirts… cute or annoying?

Whip Six Feed

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