08 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

What Are The Key Components To Living A Healthy Life {Interview With Bex}

By admin

I practiced my Barbara Walters skills yesterday by interviewing one of my favorite health and fitness bloggers, Bex Borucki. Bex is a Youtube queen, seriously you should check her out! She’s also got a killer blog, and it doesn’t hurt that she does give aways all the time.

While I love signing up to win free goodies, that’s not why I love Bex. She’s straight forward, doesn’t try to be someone she’s not and she really is the person she appears in her videos.

As the mom of 4 (yea, 4!) she has a lot of insight on keeping the important things in life important, and the not so much stuff out. Keeping a balanced life is what we all strive for and Bex has some great tips. She also talks about the keys to a successful “healthy” life and reveals what she wanted to be as a kid, did this dream job come true? Watch to find out.

Enough chit chat, seriously check her out. My favorite part from the interview was when I threw her for a loop by using the word “Ya’ll”!

Find out more about Bex: 
Bex’s Youtube Channel
Since Bex opened up and shared her childhood dream job I thought that it was only fair I do the same too.

Model Turned Doctor Turned Trainer

Let’s see, like most kids I went through a few phases… in kindergarten I wanted to be a model. Lol, I was taller than all the other girls and my mom entered me in a few pageants (not like Pageant Moms), I thought I was awesome. Too bad I stopped growing just when everyone else started. Lol.

From there, I went on to want to be a doctor. In first grade, that was my dream. I practiced on my dolls all the time, treating them for booboos and what not. This goal stuck around for ever. I went from wanting to be a reconstructive surgeon (what 7 year old thinks like that?) to being a heart surgeon, to being a brain surgeon (I wanted to find the cure for Parkinson’s) and then in high school I found my passion for women’s health and decided I was going to be an OB/GYN.

Sorry for the poor quality pict

I went to college for Bio/Pre Med, graduated with honors and started studying for my MCATS. Crazy, right!? I worked for a breast care center during that time to get experience as well as did some community service in the pathology and delivery floors of the hospital.

But then things changed… I did TERRIBLE on my MCATS, not just once but twice. I am great at book smarts, but those tests suck. And from working as a medical assistant, I learned I hated not being able to leave work. When I was home, I was still thinking about patients, I didn’t want to imagine what it would be like when I was actually their doctor. The passion left.

The passion thing mixed with the test scores pretty much helped me to decide that wasn’t the career for me. I wanted to be excited about something, do something that I KNEW I could help everyone I came into contact with. And that’s how I fell into training.

Fitness was my outlet during this time, and I realized I liked it more than most. I enjoyed not just trying to look good, but I loved the way it made me feel. The challenge of it, and I wanted to help others.

So, there ya go.

  • What did you want to be as a kid? 

What I learned from Bex: 

  • Do what you love, if you don’t love it then why are you doing it? I am so blessed to do what I love each day. When I quite my job 1 year ago to pursue a fitness career on and offline I was scared, and I didn’t have all that much support behind me. But I did have my husband by my side and that was enough. Each day I am lucky for that step I took.
  • Family comes first. Even though I don’t have kiddos yet, that doesn’t mean I don’t have a family. Having a great relationship with my husband, working one on one with him and caring for our pet babies bring me joy. We have a great support system from our parents and siblings… they all rock. Again, I can’t express enough how lucky I feel!
  • Don’t forget those around you. At the end of Bex’s videos she always leaves with an “I love you all”, and you know what? She means it. Because for all bloggers, it all comes down to the readers. I blog each day to get thoughts out but it means the world to me knowing you read this and hopefully it brings something positive into your life. So thanks, I love you!
  • Want fresh eggs? I have a crazy itch to one day have my own chickens! Yup, she makes it look like so much fun that I keep bothering Dan that I want chickens and even goats one day! We’ll see about that one ;)

Thanks again Bex for sharing so much with us! Go show her some love today!

Whip Six Feed

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