01 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Vegan Cheese Review: Daiya Melty Goodness Or Waste Of $

By admin

This past weekend I did something uncharacteristic for me… I bought vegan cheese.

For the past 6 months, I have been avoiding real cheese, fake cheese and all the cheeses in the middle. The closest I had gotten was vegan ricotta which is nothing more than garlic and chopped up almonds.

So I am sure you can picture Dan’s face when I made these:

vegan phili cheese

With the Eagles playing a big game this weekend I thought it was only appropriate to have Phili Cheesesteaks!

Super easy: Just saute bell peppers, portabella mushrooms and onions together. Sprinkle with pepper, garlic and a touch of salt and you’re ready. These were awesome but what made them even better was the stretchy, cheesy goodness.

I finally let my curiousity get the better of me and added this package of Daiya Cheese to my cart while shopping, though I did do a retake when I saw the price… $ 4.

I had stayed away from Daiya because I just assumed it would be crap, and to be honest I thought it was a soy based product. So I was pretty excited when I realized I was wrong. And how silly I felt since it clearly states “SOY FREE”. Duh!

I wanted to wait for game day, but simply got too excited so we had these on Friday night. Once the buns were ready (ready to come), I loaded each with the phili-mix and topped with the “faux cheese”. And under the broiler it went.

I seriously still can not tell you how freaking melty this gets! It was stretchy, gooey, and actually tasted just like cheese! Okay, so then again I haven’t had cheese since the end of February so I am not the best to verify that but either way we were really impressed.

I know what you’re wondering… what’s the Daiya nutrition look like?

Well, wonder no more. Here is the nutritional profile and ingredient list. And yes, Daiya is also gluten free! It’s a winner for everyone!

I am thinking we might have a winner on our hands. I don’t think we’ll use it very often but it’s nice to know that we can top our pizzas with a cheese alternative that we both can agree on (Dan won’t even try a soy based cheese).

I have to admit, that the Daiya people aren’t lying when they said it has the stretch of real cheese! And you have to love that it’s free of preservatives!

Okay, off to eat a piece of cheese bread before boot camp! I better slow down on the package because the downside of it is the cost… it will run you around $ 4. Like I said, I was too curious to pass it up.

  • Have you ever had a cheese alternative? 
  • What’s your take on soy based products? 
  • Favorite cheesy meal? 

Hands down my favorite over loaded cheese meal is my mom’s Macaroni Pie!! It’s always my job to make and you better believe back in the day I used to pour the cheese in. Now I wonder if I could get by with a vegan version?

Whip Six Feed

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