09 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: Ten Ways To Slow Down Aging

By admin

Am I the only one that ever looks in the mirror and wonders: “I wonder how old I look to people?”  I’m going to guess I’m not along on this one.

This was a few weeks ago with friends. Hat: Check! Sunglasses: Check! Sunscreen: Check!! And that’s Coconut water in the cup… I had a long run the next morning so everyone else had frosty bevs, while I had the coco h20 :(  

I used to wonder if I looked old enough… old enough to look like an “adult”, old enough to buy wine/beer, and old enough to own my own business (yes, a fear of not being taken seriously). Now, that’s all starting to change.

I know I am not old, but as I see the big 3-0 coming closer and closer I am starting to think about the aging process and consider everything that I can do to slow down the whole aging thing. Who wants to be 30 and look like 40? Not me, and I am pretty sure no one else wants to look older than they are once we get past 21.

But it’s also not all about aging in the way we look, I want to slow down aging all together. So that I can live the fullest life possible. With that said, let’s hit up this week’s Top Ten.

Some of these you might have heard, but some of them might be completely new. And if so, then jump on the anti-aging bus with me.

Top Ten Ways To Slow Down Aging

10. Moisturize every day:

antiaging with moisturizer

Oil of Olay is serious stuff. Moisture escapes through our skin (duh) and because of that, dryness is one of the biggest causes for wrinkles. By moisturizing each day you help protect your skin, keep it hydrated and fight off crow’s feet.

I have been using daily moisturizer for over 5 years, it’s the best feeling ever to put it on after a shower. I started because the doctor I worked for had amazing skin, she was my mom’s age but had better skin than me. She said she had been using Oil of Olay since she was in her twenties. Yup, I went out and got it that day.

9. Hydration:

Water is important, after all the body is composed of 75% water. It only makes sense that staying hydrated will help your skin look radiant but also help your body work better all together.

8. Healthy body fat:

Believe it or not, having a bit of fat is actually a plus in fighting the aging war. A bit fat in the face adds roundness and often makes you look younger. Having very low body fat can have the opposite affect, making wrinkles and circles stand out more. Simply staying in a healthy body fat range is the best you can do to stay glowing.

7. Exercise:

Anti-aging begins in the inside. Having a workout plan that includes both cardio and weights is essential if you want to stay feeling and looking young.  Research released from the Buck Institute of Age Research (in Novato) put a group of elderly subjects (avg age of 70) on a strength training program for 6-months. After that time, they muscle tissue was sampled and what they saw was awesome… it resembled muscle of a 22 year old! Grab some weights now and just think how you’ll be at 70!

In terms of cardio, it’s is proven keep your mind “sharp as a tact” by increasing brain activity, decreasing risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia!

6. Stress.

This is the one I need to work on! Stress is a necessity for for success, but too much stress can take it’s toll on us in more ways than we like to admit. One of those includes speeding up the aging process. Studies at Brigham and Women’s Hospital discovered that people who are more stressed have a lifespan shorter by at least 6 years than those who aren’t as stressed.

Take time each day to simply breath. Remove unnecessary stresses and ask yourself regularly what you need in life to be more at peace. Also, a regular workout is proven to help decrease stress, since it’s on the “to do” already, no excuses.

5. Laugh from the gut:

There is so much more to laughing than I ever thought! Did you know that people who have a good sense of humor have a stronger immune system? They also have a high concentration of tumor-killing cells. Both a win-win for trying to fit growing old.

Laughing is also known to decrease stress and since stress is a huge factor with aging, let’s decrease it with a good full out belly laugh. I have a good friend that has the best laugh ever, I start cracking up just listening to him laugh. Because let’s face it, laughing is contagious!

4. Sexy time:


Yup, spending more time with your special someone could help you stay younger longer. A study at the University of Bristol found that people who had over 100 orgasms a year had a 50% lower mortality rate than those who didn’t. Additionally sexy releases a huge amount of endorphins to help lower stress and make you happy.

3. Floss your teeth:

Who flosses everyday? Well, you should! Flossing your teeth can add 6.4 years to your life, according to studies. Many aging ailments begin in the mouth so by flossing and keeping overall good oral hygiene you’re setting yourself up to feel and look better as the years tick by.

Why don’t we all floss everyday? It only adds a few minute to your night time habits? Starting tonight, I’m flossing every day!

2. Plants are your friends:

I don’t think anyone is surprised that having a proper is going  to help keep you young. But it’s not just any healthy foods, more specifically veggies. A 2006 study published by the American Academy of Neurology found that people who eat vegetables every day had fewer slowdowns as they aged. Spinach, chard and kale proved to have the most anti-aging affects.

Not to mention veggies (and fruits) are high in antioxidants, proven to improve cell health and in turn keep you feeling younger longer.

1. Sun screen:

The sun has the strongest influence on the quality of your skin in terms of complexion, wrinkles, and age appearance. With skin cancer continuing to rise, you would think we would all be caking it on each day. But sadly, we don’t.

If you think that the damage you’ve done to your skin is irriversable and that there is no point in starting now, you’re mistaken. Grab some sunscreen SPF 30 to help fight sun damage and keeping your face looking young as long as possible. Ignoring the sunscreen is just asking to look old fast.

So there are the Top Ten! What do you think?

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