11 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Stuck In A Fitness Rut? How To Get Unstuck Fast

By admin

Good morning! This day is off to a busy start and I don’t foresee it calming down before bed time.

Currently, I am working away at a little, quaint coffee shop, called Metto and happily enjoying this fancy latte:

Check out the foamage going on!

I was confused by the spoon at first, but after taking a sip and realizing the seriousness of the foam I realized the need. It’s like a Creme brulee for latte’s!

In case you’re curious it’s a soy honey latte with an extra shot. And each sip is pure deliciousness.

I’m stuck here,

not because I want to get work done in a coffee shop (I would prefer to work in my home without spending the $ 4.50 on that latte) but my car is at the doctor’s getting a check up.

Remember, I have the FitBloggin conference next week! I need to make sure she can make the drive to Baltimore… yup, I am driving from Chucktown to Baltimore, by myself!! More on that later though, but it explains why I am stuck at a coffee joint.

Talking about being stuck… I’m also stuck in a training rut.

Remove The Glue So I Can Get My Training Mojo Back

I am really trying to get out of it but it’s hard. We all have workout ruts from time to time, so hopefully you can relate?

I love strength training, more specifically I LOVE lifting weights, heavy weights. Might come to a surprise to some of you but I have even done a strong women’s competition!

Stepping up for the farmer’s carry event! 

Lately, that love has seemed to sizzle a bit.

Perhaps its all the attention on my running, or all the fun body weight, boot camp style workouts I have been putting together for Fit Womens Weekly. Or maybe it’s because I realize I have lost so much strength!

Whatever it is, I need to get out of this sticky situation. I want to get strong again.

The Get Unstuck Workout Plan

The only way to get things accomplished quickly and smoothly is to have a plan. Trying to achieve any goal without one is just plain stupid. Yup, I said it… stupid.

So, here’s how I am going to get myself out of this rut.

  1. Workout with a partner. Dan did a great job helping me during our “heavy” workout this past Sunday. Whenever I set my weight for what I thought was appropriate, he would up it or tell me I could do better. I hate to admit it but he was always right.
  2. Stop thinking of weaknesses. If I keep focusing on the idea that I am not as strong as I used to be, I will just keep bringing myself down. Instead, I am going to look at it as if I am starting all over. Who cares what I was lifting when I did the Strong Womens competition! My life is different and I don’t need to train like that right now.
  3. Remind myself why I like weights. As soon as I started putting plates on the bar last week, I looked at Dan and told him I just wasn’t feeling it. He quickly put me in my place and reminded me that it was my idea to go heavy for this workout! Why? Because I love the challenge, the burn, the fun of adding more weight just to see what my body can do. I’ll keep reminding myself of that each time it’s time to lift.
  4. No apologies needed. We all go through ruts! It’s okay to feel a bit burnt out on something. We get in ruts with work, friends, clothes (I am so sick of the clothes in my closet) and of course workouts. I know I’ll snap out of it and find my training mojo again, especially after the half marathon. For now, just keep working at it, acknowledge the issue, and move on.
  5. It’s okay to step away. If the rut is too bad and you’re just not able to focus and feel like you’re not getting out of the workout what you should then take a step back. For a few weeks do something else. For me, right now that means doing 1 heavy workout each week but the others focused on the boot camp style workouts. Doing less of the heavy workouts will help me get passionate about it again so I will want to start upping the weekly workouts.

SO that’s the plan!


  • What’s your favorite latte or coffee beverage?
  • Have you ever been stuck in a fitness rut? What did you do?
  • What’s your favorite way to workout?

On another note, I am really excited about a guest post I wrote for a fellow blogger. Check out Tanya’s Dine Dash Deadlift to find out how to run faster without running! Plus, I included a workout there . Let me know what you think!

Off to go check on the Mazda! Fingers crossed all she’ll need is an oil change.

*Mazda update… Just got “her” back after spending a bit more due to the need for new break pads. All in all though not a bad trip since I was worried I would need new tires. She’s ready for the road. Oh yea, and that nice latte, was’t so nice on my tummy :(  

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