17 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Is Quinoa Just For Women? The Feminization Of “Healthy” Foods

By admin


Have you seen this Budlight commercial? Everyone should take 32 seconds and watch it.

I had no idea that quinoa was pronounced “queen-o” and I die laughing every time!

It came on Sunday while Dan was watching the Eagles game and he immediately suggested that I find it on youtube to watch myself.

I’m glad he did.

What makes food manly?

My second question… Does quinoa really taste like a dirty old tree branch? 

And finally…

Why is it that we’re living in a society where products are put down for being too healthy? Too “girlie”?  Are men pressured to avoid such foods and grab for the hamburger instead not because they like it better but because it’s a low blow to their testosterone if they don’t?

I’ve heard far too many clients tell me over the years that their husbands won’t go for “healthy food”… aka chick food. And that because of these men, hitting their weight loss goals has been close to impossible.

My dad is this way.

If his plate doesn’t have a chunk of meat (chicken doesn’t count as meat) and some sort of carby mountain of mashed potatoes or rice then it’s hardly a meal. It’s an appetizer or something to be refused.

I consider myself blessed to have a husband who has the same outlook as I do… we eat to live, not live to eat. That doesn’t mean that we sacrifice flavor or eat quinoa burgers every day, but Dan does believe in eating as natural as possible and as clean as possible.

Have I ever mentioned that Dan is actually a healthier eater than I am? I know, I’m lucky!

Does that make him less of a man? 

To be honest, to stand up against the grain and eat to be healthy and not for a man-card makes him even more masculine to me.

Let’s Talk Man Food


  • Steak
  • Bacon
  • Anything fried
  • Potatoes
  • White Bread/Pasta
  • Rice
  • Pork
  • Hamburgers
  • Supreme Pizza
  • Butter
  • Beer

So let me get this straight… to eat like a man means you have to clog your arteries with saturated fats; dense, high calorie starchy carbs, and meats that can stain a white plate red?

Let’s Talk Girlie Foods

  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Anything grilled
  • Quinoa (of course)
  • Fruit
  • Wine
  • Salads
  • Wheat products
  • Diet foods
  • Chocolate

Okay, so let’s take away the diet food as I am not proud of this one.

What’s Going On With A Woman’s Diet?

All the rest are healthy choices! Foods that help to fight chronic disease and improve the quality of life.

Who doesn’t want to be associated with foods and nutrition like this?

But here is what gets me…

Sounds all great, but if women are eating like this why is heart disease going up? Why is chronic disease at an all time?

It’s got to be one of two choices:

–>Either, we’re letting our husbands dictate too much of our diet and we’re eating too much of the “man list” because we have no choice.


–>Women aren’t eating “chick food”, they are voluntarily grabbing for the over processed, high fat, high sodium foods. They are eating like men out of choice.

Just some food for thought… 

One more food for thought topic for your Tuesday…

How To Get Your Guy To Eat Quinoa Burgers

If you’ve never had quinoa burgers, they’re delicious!

Quinoa Burger with a yogurt mint sauce!

But I am really just using them for a metaphor here…

How can you convince your husband to eat less of the processed crap and more of the good for you foods that you’ve walked by in grocery stores but have avoided because you know no one else in your house will go for it?

  1. Be 100% honest and have a serious heart to heart. Explain to him the importance of why you need his support.
  2. Compromise… let me know that 1-2 nights a week, dinner will be as usual. But the other nights will be geared more towards leaner, healthier meals.
  3. Let me know that you are wanting to make these changes for the both of you. You want to be together as long as possible right?
  4. Lie. Yup, sometimes it’s needed. Use a mix of 50:50 ground lean turkey breast and normal burger meat; add in vegetables to things like muffins, sauces, etc; pour your 2% milk into a 1% carton. Will he be able to tell the difference?
  5. Start small. Start off by tweaking things in the kitchen… buying a different bread or perhaps making spaghetti with gluten-free pasta or mung bean fettuccini. Then after a week or two, make another change… perhaps introducing a “Meatless Monday”. Small changes here and there lead to be changes in the long run!

Does your husband/boyfriend eat like a “man”? Does he make fun of “chick food”?

Image source: http://triggeralert.blogspot.com/2010_06_01_archive.html

Image source: http://uphillwriting.org/2011/09/06/deeply-affected-read-see-hear/woman-eating-salad-1/

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