11 June 2012 ~ 24 Comments

5 Min Bikini Body Abs Workout

By admin

1 odd tip to fat loss: insanehomefatloss.com In this episode, Sanela will be showing you two very effective Core workouts that will get you a ripped body like a fitness model…. FAST! Here is a free video you can watch that will tell you exactly what you have to do to get ripped fast! insanehomefatloss.com Here’s how it works… 4 set of dive bombers. Advanced Clients will start into a slightly modified push-up position with a little bend in the back sticking your rear in the air. From this position make one fluid controlled motion like a pendulum almost touching your nose to the floor and then continuing on the same plane of movement ending looking at the ceiling. For beginners you are going to do the motion exactly the same motion just from a modified starting position. Just position yourself like you would for the advanced version and simply drop to your knees from there. Dive bombers are great for toning and firming the shoulders triceps and core AND will get you well on your way to getting that fitness model body we are all after! For more information to get ripped fast check out this free video! insanehomefatloss.com The second exercise in this killer routine is Kayaks! Its ALL core so get ready to really feel your abs start to pop out after doing this exercise…. It can be done with added weight for advanced clients but for beginners simply doing the motion is very effective for getting a ripped six pack. Start in a seated position and simply lean back until your

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