02 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

2013 Nutrition Recharge: Vegan “Cheesy” Broccoli & Bean Soup

By admin

Everyone and their mothers will be starting their weight loss resolutions this week. Just like church at Christmas, the gym will be filled with members that haven’t been seen since this time last year.

Everyone wants a clean slate and a fresh start, and that’s what January has to offer for us all.

But what I want to really get across to you is that no matter if you’re goal is to lose 10 pounds, or 80 pounds, or no pounds (maybe you just want to live life a bit more healthy) cutting calories and going on a fad diet isn’t going to help.

That only brings misery, frustrations, and disappointment. Instead, focus on changing out your food. Don’t worry about eating less, worry about eating more of the good stuff and the calories will work themselves on in a way to help you see the weight melt away.

Remember, weight isn’t gained overnight (though sometimes it might feel like it) so it won’t come off overnight either.
Clean up your diet, and your 2013 goals can happen! Deal?

And this meal is going to help you do it. It’s anything but what you would expect from a vegan kitchen. Creamy, flavorful, and definitely taste like I lied when I said it was vegan… but I promise it is!


Vegan Cheesy Broccoli And Bean Soup

I won’t lie… this recipe did not turn out exactly as I had planned.

I was craving a warm bowl of soup and set out to experiment. I wasn’t in the mood to search for something in a cookbook, I decided I would try my luck with a Taylor Original.

Keeping my fingers crossed that I could come up with something that Dan and I would enjoy.

What was poured into our bowls was a delicious surprise that blew us both away. Being a vegan, the cheese flavors in this were amazing. It was like a shock to my tastebuds. I am pretty sure they thought I was eating real cheese soup!

But nope, they were wrong. Try this recipe… soon!


  • 1 can (14.5 oz) whole, peeled tomatoes
  • 3 cups vegetable stock
  • 1/4 cup hummus, traditional
  • 1/4 cup unsalted cashews
  • 1/2 tsp thyme
  • 1 tsp rosemary
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup diced onions
  • 1 can cannelini beans (drained and rinsed)
  • 1/2 cup broccoli, chopped
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  1. In a blender toss in: tomatoes (no need to drain); vegetable stock, hummus, cashews, thyme, rosemary and 2 cloves.vitamix soup for cheesy vegan
  2. Blend until smooth. Pour into a pot and simmer until cooked through.
  3. In a skillet, heat oil on med. Chop the garlic clove and add to oil. Add in onions. Sauté until fragrant and add in broccoli and beans. Sauté until cooked and broccoli is slightly browned.blender-cheesy-soup
  4. Pour veggies into broth. Stir and serve.

It was that easy!

Now I am off to finish putting away the last of the Christmas decorations and start logging in some miles before boot camp! Have a great Wednesday.

What’s your favorite soup?
How soon after Christmas do you take your decorations down?

My favorite soup? I LOVE chili, but I am not sure if that qualifies as a soup or not? So excluding chili, I would say that wedding soup is probably my favorite.

Our decorations aren’t allowed to come down until after New Years, otherwise it’s bad luck. But we did go against that a bit I suppose since we waited until after our New Years Dinner to bring them down yesterday.

The post 2013 Nutrition Recharge: Vegan “Cheesy” Broccoli & Bean Soup appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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