30 September 2015 ~ 0 Comments

14 Pull-up Variations To Make You Feel Like Wonder Woman

By admin

I can’t believe it. This is the final week of my pull-up training plan.

It’s actually my final week for a lot…

  1. Final week of pull-up training.
  2. Final week of push-up training.
  3. Final week of boot wearing.

What’s a girl to do? Celebrate by doing as many different types of pull-ups as possible.


Duh. And if you look closely, you can see my very skinny calf on the right.

Last week I shared how to train yourself to perform a single pull-up. I also explained the benefits and the muscles worked. So this post is not about that.


Let’s take it up a notch. Let’s cover some fun variations that will have you feeling like a super hero.

Increase Reps With Different Pull-ups Variations

Of course you look awesome doing these, but they serve a bigger cause.

Doing different pull-ups can help speed up your strength and pull-up potential.

Each of these targets the arms and back different. When you think you’re unable to do one more rep, try changing to a different version. The tired muscles might get a rest, and those under worked can get the burn they need.

This helps create balance and increased strength.

Oh, and it’s fun. No one likes repeating the same move over and over again. Change is the spice of life and exercise!

Only For Women?

Of course these moves are not exclusive for women. But I’ve learned that I am in a position to show women what they’re capable of.

Everyone is capable of doing these. Every single one. It might take work and it might not happen today. But the payoff is huge.

So what do you say, let’s get to it.

14 Pull-up Variations For Women

pullup variations

*Many of these can be modified with the use of a band or assisted pull-up machine.

Don’t think just because you can’t do a solo pull-up, you can’t do these. Progress comes from starting at ground zero and working forward.

1. Regular

2. Wide Grip

3. Switch Grip

4. Chin-Ups

chin up

5. Side Shoulder Tap Pull-ups (Hockey grip)

6. Type Writer Pull-ups

typewriter pullups

7. Plyo Pull-ups (Hand release)

hand release pullup

8. Towel Pullup

9. L-Sit Pullup

10. Close Grip Chinup

close grip chinup

11. Close Grip Pullup

12. Burpee Pullup


13. Crossover Pull Up

14. Kettlebell Pull-Ups

Yes there is such a thing…

Enjoy Exercise Variations?

If you enjoyed these, you may also enjoy the other variation posts I’ve created.

Check them out!

Wow, just above are over 150 different exercises! That’s a lot to choose from.

If you liked these, please make sure to share with your friends! Help spread the word and the love!

Let’s stay connected. Make sure to follow me on social media for fun workout tips, recipes and fun exercises!




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